Did you know that my Fowl feathered friends helped many families put food on the table during the great depression? If you did, then it is no surprise to see me here now, saving the day, one egg at a time. Now, don’t get me wrong, I know it takes two to tango and my owner has come up with some interesting ways of her own to make ends meet. My name is Martha and I’m here to tell you about my wonderful family: A loving stay-at-home mother, an unemployed father who is in the process of reinventing himself, and 3 amazing children and their incredible journey through Autism. Join me and I will tell you some interesting stories about weathering tough times, putting healthy food on the table and finding ways to continue biomedical Autism treatments while on food stamps.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Chlorella and Autism

One of mother's favorite biomedical treatments for her son was Chlorella.  She first read about it on Dr. Mercola's website.  They had a testimonial about the benefits of Chlorella on an Autistic boy.  It claimed that Chlorella could remove heavy metals after about 3 months of use and it would improve healing time of wounds and bruises after using for a year.  Further research of Chlorella convinced mother that it was a pretty benign product that could potentially produce results.  

Mother started giving Chlorella to her daughter and son.  After 3 months, her son went from a vocabulary of 3 words to 85 words.  The time line coincided with the data from Mercola's website.  She was excited to share this information with her child's teachers and their response was, "it is not unusual for a child to have a verbal growth spurt, such as this".  So, was it the Chlorella or was it a growth spurt?  I guess we will never know but mother has her own opinion on that one.

Mother's son was 2 years old at the time.  He was given a combination of Chlorella and powdered probiotics for 2 years.  Today, he is 9 years old.  He has had the flu once in 7 years and a cold twice.  He rarely bruises.

Where the chlorella worked so well for her son, it showed no results for her daughter.  As with all biomedical treatments, results vary for every child, even siblings.  Consult your health care provider when considering an alternative therapy or biomedical treatment.

Note:  For best results, supplements in powder or tablet form are best.  Any supplement that comes in a capsule will be most effective when broken open and mixed in food or drink.  To make sure you aren't wasting your money, drop one pill into a glass of water and see if it breaks down or breaks open in 20 minutes.  Don't waste your money on supplements that will pass through your system unopened.

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